What You Need To Know About Electric Trailer Brakes Troubleshooting

Electric trailer brakes require careful troubleshooting to ensure they are working properly and safely. Whether you’re a do-it-yourselfer or an experienced tech, it is important to know the basics of electric trailer brake troubleshooting for successful repairs. Here is what you need to know about electric trailer brakes troubleshooting:
Check the wiring
A common issue with many electric trailers involves loose connections or faulty wiring that can cause the brakes to malfunction. Visually inspect all of your vehicle’s wiring, including the connection from the controller to the trailer’s brakes, for any signs of damage or corrosion.
If you find any loose wires or corroded connections, replace them immediately.
Inspect brake components
It is also important to inspect each component of the electric trailer brakes for wear and tear. Check springs, arms, shoes, drums and other parts for cracks or wear that could be causing your issue. Replace any parts that appear damaged or worn out as needed before continuing troubleshooting.
By understanding how electric trailer brakes work and performing regular maintenance, you can ensure safe and reliable operation for many years to come. If you do encounter any issues with your trailer’s braking system, don’t hesitate to contact a professional repair technician for assistance. With the right knowledge and tools, troubleshooting electric trailer brakes doesn’t have to be a difficult task!