Lactation Explained

In this video, you will learn about lactation. Besides being nourishing for a baby, it can boost its immune system because it contains antibodies that a baby can’t yet produce on its own. The anatomy of a woman’s breast is complex. It consists of muscles, glands, and tissue.
Mammary glands develop during puberty. During pregnancy, mammary glands expand due to hormones. Surrounding mammary glands are cells. These are special cells that line the outside of mammary glands. They squeeze milk towards the nipple towards the duct. Milk can be ejected from the nipple when it is suckling. This happens in all of the mammary glands. Nipple pours to allow the milk to come out of the nipple. The areoles contain glands that succeed and oily substances. It helps the nipple not dry out. When babies are first born, they do not have the best vision. The darkness on the areoles acts as a target for the baby to find its food source. It can get a little heavy during lactation. Suspension ligaments help the breast stay anchored to the chest when it is full. Lactation begins when an infant suckles on the breast. To learn more, keep watching.