How Does a Fire Supression System Work

Fire suppression in an electrical switchgear room is essential to the safety of the switchgear room and peripheral rooms. What are the best options for fire protection in this setting? This video from Stat-X explains in detail how Stat-X canisters work to suppress a fire without causing peripheral damage.
This professional video takes the viewer through the equipment available to suppress fires. The video identifies each piece of equipment and its function in a fire situation. The video lays out step-by-step scenarios and how the suppression system works in each scenario to snuff out the fire, minimize damage, and prevent fire from spreading.
It is a fascinating video that delivers in-depth information about aerosol fire protection and all the working parts of that system. This quick video is highly informative and can provide answers to some of the most common fire suppression questions.
Anyone that needs reliable protection and wants an easy-to-install system would find this video very useful. Stat-X does not require piping or other support installation. It is a stand-alone suppression system that can be installed anywhere including in remote locations without proper infrastructure. Learn how Stat-X can help to protect your assets and provide mission-essential support anywhere in the world.