How Do Injury Lawyers Calculate a Settlement?

Determining how much a specific plaintiff will likely receive as a settlement is something that injury lawyers do best. They have to calculate a number of factors when determining how much they ought to receive for what they have been through.
Most of the consideration comes down to two factors.
The first is how severe the injury was, to begin with. The more severe the injury, the more that one might expect to receive as a settlement. The second factor is how strong the evidence is in the case. Injury lawyers need a lot of evidence to make their case, and they will make sure they have all of the ammunition that they require to make a strong case.
Speak with your attorney about the amount that they believe is likely for you to win. They will make a legitimate estimate based on what they believe will be the most likely outcome for your case. You can make preparations based on how much you anticipate that you will receive for your injuries.
Think carefully about how much you will accept as a settlement, and get to work figuring out the details of what you need to do to get yourself to that goal.