Issues Revealed by Video Camera Pipe Inspections

If you’re having trouble with your drainage system, you may wonder how you could find the source of the issue. Your pipes may be buried underground or even encased in a concrete slab. However, plumbers have modern equipment that can help them get to the bottom of the issues with your sewer system.
One of the best tools to diagnose plumbing issues is a video camera. Plumbers conduct video camera pipe inspections using cameras on long wires that they can push through pipes. These cameras show a continuous live video feed, allowing plumbers to make a quick assessment of the situation.
If you’re curious about the problems plumbers find with these cameras, take a look at the video posted here. In the video, a plumber finds several issues in a homeowner’s sewer system, including roots growing into the pipes in several places. Seeing what plumbers see and hearing them talk about it can help you know what you’re looking at if you get a video camera pipe inspection for your own sewer issues.
If you think your sewer system has problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local plumber. They will be able to find and resolve any issue your home’s plumbing system may have.