Steps to a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Navigating a personal injury lawsuit can be extremely difficult. What is personal injury? Where do I start with my case? In this video, Eric explains some of the common steps that can be seen in personal injury cases.
While any case can vary in length, all cases have a roughly similar timeline. After finding a lawyer, most cases take an average of a year or a year and a half.
The lawyer will begin by diving into the data of the case and trying to find all of the relevant facts about what happened. They will also try to find any potential witnesses.
After that, testimonies are taken. Any relevant party is subject to a deposition, or testimony. The lawyers will also gather documents that will help their side of the case. Eric mentions contracts, medical notes, or even maintenance records.
The next step for the lawyers is hiring any expert witnesses if they are needed. It is helpful for many cases to have experts that can back up their side, focusing on the main problem that exists in the case. After that, it is time to get ready for trial.
Eric explains that the trials are usually the shortest part of this process, typically lasting only two to three weeks, but are also the most stressful part of the process.